Archives September 2013

CAC Realiza Sorumutu GJPRU ba Dahitu iha Delta Nova

Dili – Ohin Kinta-feira (26/9), Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) organiza sorumutu ba dala-hitu Grupu Jestor Profesional Rekursu Umanu (GJPRU) iha Funsaun Publika nian exercisiu ho topiku “Promove Papel Rekursu Umanu Hodi Kombate Korrupsaun” iha Salaun Delta Nova Comoro, Dili.

Komisariu Adjuntu CAC ba asuntu Prevensaun, Manuel Bucar Corte-Real loke ofisialmente sorumutu ne’e ho objetivu atu hametin kolaborasaun servisu entre membru GJPRU   iha linhas ministerial nian hodi halibur hanoin ba identifikasaun prioridades formasaun ba membru GJPRU nian hanesan liman ain ba CFP.

Sorumutu loron ohin nian hahu lian nakloke husi koordenador GJPRU, Maria de Jesus Sarmento, Komisariu Adjuntu CAC, Manuel Bucar no Komisaria Comissáo Funsaun
Publica (CFP), Jesuina Gomes kontinua ho aprezentasaun husi official Rekursu Umanu CAC nian lidera husi Sekretariu Executivu CAC, Alexander Freitas.

Komisariu Adjuntu ba asuntu prevensaun Manuel Bucar Corte-Real agradese existensia grupu ida ne’e iha tinan 2011 atu servi povu nia bem star no hadian Estadu TL iha
area rekursu humanu nian. Nune’e mos, Komisaria CFP Jesuina Gomes hateten membru GJPRU iha obrigasaun atu halo avaliasaun ba saida mak halo tiha ona inklui
define nesesidade atu ba tuir formasaun.

Iha biban ne’e Sekretariu Eksekutivu CAC Alexander Freitas hateten CAC iha limitasaun rekursu umanu no presija kapasitasaun barak liu tan hodi servi povu
no nasaun diak liu tan. Komisaria CFP, Jesuina Gomes husu atu GJPRU estabele steering committee atu identifika area prioridade formasaun nian tamba AUSAID
komprimitidu atu oferese formasaun.

CAC hosts the Seventh GJPRU workshop in Delta Nova

Dili-Thursday, September 26, the Commissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) today hosts the seventh workshop of Group of Professional
Human Resources Managers (Grupu Jestor Profesional Rekursu Umanu/GJPRU); a part of the Government’s Civil Service Exercise with the
topic “Promote the Role of Human Resources to Combat Corruption” in the Meeting Hall of Delta Nova Comoro, Dili.

Deputy Commissioner of CAC for Prevention, Manuel Bucar Corte-Real stated, “The objective of this workshop is to enhance the collaboration between members of GJPRU with line ministers to identify training priorities for its members”, in his opening remarks.

The speakers for this workshop were the Coordinator of GJPRU, Maria de Jesus Sarmento, Deputy Commissioner of CAC for Prevention, Manuel Bucar, and Commissioner of the Civil Service Commission (CFP), Jesuina Gomes. The Executive Secretary of CAC, Alexander Gusmao ledthe presentation with the officers of the Human Resource Unitof CAC.

“I want to express sincere gratitude for the existence of this group which has served the welfare of our society and improvedthe public serviceespecially in the human resources area”
said Manuel Bucar, Deputy Commissioner of CAC for Prevention. Commissioner of Civil Service Commission (CFP), Jesuina Gomes commented, “Members of GJPRU have the obligation to evaluate their workincluding definingtraining needs”

Alexander Freitas, Executive Secretary of CAC noted, “The CAC Human Resource Unit is facing various constraints”. “Therefore, training and capacity development are necessary to
improve human resources work to serve better our people and our country”, he continued.

Jesuina Gomes, Commissioner of Civil Service Commission (CFP) reported that“AusAID is committed to facilitate training, therefore I urge GJPRU to establish a steering committee to identify priority areas for training”.