CAC Commissioner, Held a Meeting with the DoJ’s Director for Southeast Asia

Dili – Commissioner of Anti-Corruption Commission Dr. Sergio Hornai was accompanied by the Chief of Cooperation Unit Mr. Joao do Rosario Correia met with Director of the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) Mrs. Amy Chang Lee and US Embassy Legal Resident Advisor Mr. David Lewen on Monday (4/3) at CAC Farol office Dili.

The meeting was discussed the possibility of the Department of Justice through the United States Embassy in Timor-Leste assisting the Commission in implementing a training program for anti-corruption specialists (EAK) in the investigation matter. Ms. Amy Chang Lee also expressed her willingness to assist Timor-Leste’s Anti-Corruption Commission in all aspects including assisting the anti corruption draft law that already been in the National Parliament of Timor-Leste. (*)

Komisariu CAC Sergio Hornai Sorumutu ho Diretora DoJ EUA ba Southeast Asia

Dili – Segunda-feira (4/3) horseik, Komisariu Comissão AntiCorrupção (CAC) Dr. Sergio Hornai akompanha husi Chefe Unidade Kooperasaun Dr. João do Rosario Correia halao sorumutu ho Diretora Department of Justice (DoJ) Estado Unidos Amerika (EUA) ba Southeast Asia Senhora Amy Chang Lee no Asesor Juridiku Rezidente ba Embaixada EUA nian mai Timor-Leste Mr. David Lewen iha Edifisiu CAC Farol Dili.

Sorumutu ne’e koalia sobre posibilidade DoJ atraves Embaxada EUA nian iha Timor-Leste tulun Komisaun atu realiza treinamentu ba Espesialista Anti-KOrrupsaun iha area investigasaun nian. Senhora Diretora Amy Chang Lee espresa mos ninian prontidaun atu oferese kualker asistensia mai Komisaun inklui atu halo pareser ba esbosu Lei Anti-Korrupsaun (LAK) ne’ebé oras ne’e iha ona meja Parlamento Nasional (PN) Timor-Leste. (*)

CAC Presented the Recommendations to be Incorporate into the Anti-Corruption Law, in Commission A of the NP

Dili – Anti Corruption Commission (AAC) Commissioner Dr. Sergio Hornai accompanied by his entire structure fulfilling the invitation of Commission A for judicial and constitutional affairs of the National Parliament’s by attending a public hearing to convey its position and opinions on Anti-Corruption Law proposal at Natinal Parliament Conference Room in Dili on Wednesday (27/2).

The AAC delegation was welcomed by Vice President of Commission A Francisco Francisco de Vasconselos of PLP party, MP Aniceto Guterres and Joaquim “Boraluli” dos Santos of FRETILIN party and MP Patrocinio Fernandes dos Reis of CNRT party.

The Anti-Corruption Law Proposal was proposed by opposition parties in the parliament; FRETILIN party and Democratic Party (PD). ACC as an institution that will implement this particular law was invited to convey its opinions and recommendations to the proposal of law.

In the meeting with parliamentarians, the ACC commissioner Dr. Sergio Hornai presented 12 points of recommendations to the Commission A of National Parliament. The recommendations emphasized some fundamental aspecs such as the crimes that hasn’t regulated in penal code, the competences of CAC in the process of investigation of corruption cases, the prevention measures, as well as asset recovery.

In addition, the recommedations also covered some other issues that relevant to the effort of combating corrupcation such as the implementation of extradition, protection witnesses, experts and victims, and proctection of reporting persons. Commissioner hoped that CAC’s recommendations to be considered into the final draft of the anti-corruption law before presenting to the plenary to be debated and approved.

The discussion was preceded well in a positive, constructive atmosphere and the Membres of Parliament expressed their high appreciation to the opinions and recommendations from AAC Timor-Leste. (*)

CAC Aprezenta Rekomendasaun Atu Inkorpora ba LAK iha Komisaun A PN

Dili – Horseik (27/2) Kuarta-feira, Komisariu Comissão Anti Corrupção (CAC) Dr. Sergio Hornai akompanha ho estrutura CAC nian tomak kumpri konvite husi Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional (PN) ba Asuntu Justisa no Konstitusional hodi ba atende public hearing ka audiensia publiku hodi hatoo pozisaun no opiniaun kona-ba proposta Lei Anti-Korrupsaun (LAK) iha Salaun Konferensia PN.

Estrutura CAC nian simu husi Vise Prezidenti Komisaun A Deputado Françisco de Vasconselos husi bangkada PLP, Deputadus bangkada Partidu FRETILIN Aniceto Guterres, Joaquim “Boraluli” dos Santos no Deputado bangkada CNRT Patrocínio Fernandes dos Reis.

LAK ne’e rasik propoin husi bankada opozisaun iha PN FRETILIN no Partidu Demokratiku (PD). CAC nudar instituisaun implementador LAK iha futuru hetan konviti hodi ba halo ninian pareser no rekomendasaun ba iha projeitu LAK.

Iha sorumutu ho deputadu sira, Komisariu CAC Dr. Sergio Hornai hatoo rekomendasaun hamutuk pontus 12 durante diskusaun. Rekomendasaun sira ne’e tau empaze ba iha aspeitu fundamental balun hanesan; krimi sira ne’ebé seidauk regula iha kodego penal, kompetensia CAC iha prosesu investigasaun ba kazu korrupsaun, medida prevensaun nian, nune’e mos recoperação de activos.

Além ida ne’e, rekomendasaun mos kobre issue sira seluk iha ne’ebé relevante ho esforsu kombate korrupsaun hanesan implementasaun extradisaun, protesaun ba sasin nain (testemunhas) sira, peritus no vítima sira, no mos protesaun ba keixador sira. Komissáriu espera recomendasaun CAC nian ne’e bele konsidera iha versaun final ba lei anti-korrupsaun molok aprezenta ba iha plenaria atu deskuti no aprova.

Diskusaun halao iha ambiente positive, konstrutivu no Deputado sira nudar proponente ba proposta LAK fo apresiasaun aas ba CAC nian pareser no rekomendasaun sira. (*)