CAC Publika Terseiru Edisaun Buletin Integridade

Dili, 02/08/2012–Semana ida ne’e, CAC publika 3o  Edisaun Buletin Integridade ho nia tema prinsipal kona-ba deklarasaun rikusoin. Buletin Integridade CAC ne’e publika trimestral iha lian Tetum.

Isu importante ba terseiru edisaun ne’e inklui entrevista ekskluzivu ho Juiza Dra. Maria Natercia Gusmão konaba Lei No/7/2007, entrevista ekluzivu ho Komisáriu CAC Adérito de Jesus Soares konaba CAC nia progresu no dezafius durante halao servisu, Timor-Leste hamutuk ho Liberia sai reviewers ba Angola nia implementasaun Konvensaun ONU ba Kombate Korrupsaun (UNCAC) no artigus balu konaba deklarasaun rikusoin.

Buletin ne’e fahe ba fatin barak—ba insitituisaun iha nivel nasional no lokal sira, nunemos Sosiedade Sivil inklui iskola sira.

Buletin Integridade 3o Edisaun bele asesu iha versaun Pdf: ….Final —-Buletin CAC ( Edisi 3 ) pdf

CAC Holds Seminars in Ainaro and Same Districts

Dili, 1/08/2012—Last week, CAC Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar led a weeklong mission to Ainaro and Same districts where the Office held series of workshops on combating corruption in the public sector with more than 130 district public service from different line-ministries, include National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), and community leaders.

The seminars highlighted a theme “We should be responsible for developing our country and protecting all the movable and immovable resources the people’s prosperity//Ita Rasik Mak Dezenvolve Ita Nia Nasaun no Salvaguarda Sasan Sira Nebe Mak Movel no La Movel ba Moris Diak Povu Nian.”

The seminars, which received great appreciation from participants from both districts as part of CAC’s regular program aimed at disseminating information to district officials and community leaders regarding Law No.8/2009 on Anti-Corruption Commission. The presentations highlighted Article 5 point 1 regarding sensibility—which states about limiting the act of corruption, motivate people to be careful of committing corruption and minimize the acts which facilitate corruption in Timor-Leste.

Other objectives were to create a room for critical and constructive discussions among public service and community leaders in order to have better understanding about the anti-corruption commission law and other related legal document and to create an effective control mechanism for administration, finance, and procurement works in the districts in order to minimize the risks for corruption.  

As a lesson-learned for CAC from these series of seminars was that participants from both districts expressed their commitment to work closely with CAC in controlling state budget execution for the implementation of PDD and PDL projects and other state funds in Ainaro and Same districts. 


CAC Hala’o Semináriu iha Distritu Ainaro no Same

Dili 1/08/2012–Durante semana tomak iha semana liu ba, Komisáriu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar lidera ekipa Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) vizita distritu rua, Ainaro no Same, hala’o seminárius hamutuk ho funsionáriu públiku distrital husi linhas ministérial, inklui Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL),  no lideransa komunitáriu sira hamutuk atus ida tolu-nulu resin.

Semináriu sira ne’e koalia kona-ba kombate korrupsaun iha seitor públiku ho nia tema: “Ita Rasik Mak Dezenvolve Ita Nia Nasaun no Salvaguarda Sasan Sira Nebe Mak Movel no La Movel ba Moris Diak Povu Nian.”

Workshop nebe hetan apresiaaun diak tebes husi partisipante sira iha distritu rua ne’e hanesan atividade rutina ida husi diresaun prevensaun atu transmiti informasaun ba funsionáriu distrital no  lideres komunitáriu sira kona-ba Lei No. 8/2009 Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun nian. Pontus importante nebe koalia iha sorumutu hirak ne’e foka ba artigu 5 pontu1 nebe koalia kona-ba sensibilizasaun–hanesan limita lala’ok korrupsaun, motiva ema atu kuidadu ho sira nia lala’ok no reduz lala’ok hirak nebe lori ka fasilita korrupsaun sira iha Timor-Leste.

Objetivu seluk husi semináriu ne’e mak hamosu diskusaun krítiku no konstrutivu iha funsionáriu públiku no lideres komunitáriu sira hodi loke no habelar sira nia konsiensia kona-ba lei CAC no dokumentus legal seluk no kria metódu kontrolu ida nebe efikaz iha servisu administrasaun, finansas, no aprovizionamentu hodi minimiza risku korrupsaun. 

Esperiensia nebe CAC hetan husi semináriu hirak ne’e maka partisipante sira husi distritu rua ne’e hato’o komitementu atu kolabora diak ho instituisaun CAC hodi halo kontrolu máximu ba ekzekusaun orsamentu estadu ba implementasaun projeitus PDD, PDL, no fundu sira seluk iha distritu Ainaro no Same.

CAC Commissioner in the National Television’s Exclusive Interview

Dili 27/07/2012— “CAC is not an enemy of the public but as a partner…we continue open and look forward to work with the new government and national parliament in preventing and combating corruption in Timor-Leste,” said the Anti-Corruption Commissioner Adérito de Jesus Soares in the national television (TVTL)’s exclusive interview this morning.

The exclusive interview by the TVTL was meant for Commissioner Adérito to share some progress and lessons learned regarding CAC’s work so far and the way forward and also for Commissioner to address the importance of having an appropriate mechanism for asset declaration by government officials, which has not been clearly stated in the Law No.7/2007 regarding Statutory Law of the Sovereign Entity.

The one-hour interview is expected to broadcast by TVTL later tonight at its 7:00PM Exclusive Program and will be replayed on Monday morning, 30 July 2012 at 7:00 AM.

The one-hour exclusive interview was led by head of the TVTL Expedito Diaz Ximenes.