CAC: Proposta Lei OIC La Iha Fundamentu

Dili – Komisáriu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar Corte Real Kuarta-feira (7/5) loraik lidera delegasaun Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) hodi atende konvite Komisaun B Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) nian iha audiénsia públika, delegasaun kestiona, la fundamentu estabele Proposta Lei No. 11/III (2ª) kona-ba Organizasaun de Investigation Criminal (OIC).

Komisaun B oras ne’e dadaun deskute hela ho orgaun kompetente kona-ba Proposta Lei No. 11/III (2a) iha Komisaun B, proposta lei ne’e sei implementa wainhira PN aprova.

Proposta Lei OIC ne’e CAC konsidera sei aumenta regulamentu no konfuzaun ba iha esforsu anti-korrupsaun no bele hafraku kompetensia instituisaun balun iha Timor-Leste (TL) ne’ebé oras halao nian operasaun ho diak.

“Em prinsipiu, CAC sujere presija diskusaun klean kona-ba lei ne’e bazeia ba nesesidade Estadu nian,” Katak Komisáriu Adjuntu Bucar ba deputadu sira.

CAC rekomenda atu Nai Ulun Nasaun Timor-Leste (TL) konsidera no tetu didiak hodi kapasita no haforsa rekursus umanu iha CAC. Nudar nasaun ki’ik ne’ebé foin hetan nian ukun-an, kria instituisaun barak mos bele fo prejuizu rekursu finanseira ho nian implikasaun.

Prezidenti Komisaun B PN ba asuntu Negosiu Estranjeiru e Kooperasaun, Defesa no Seguransa, Deputadu David “Mandati” Dias Ximenes, lori deputadu sira nian naran espresa gratidaun no mós apresiasaun ba delegasaun CAC nian ne’ebé hatudu desponibilidade hodi depozita hanoin konstrutivu durante audiénsia públika. CAC mos agradese inisiativa deputadus sira nian hodi konvida CAC hato’o perspetiva ba proposta lei ne’e.

Delegasaun CAC kompostu husi Adjuntu Bucar, Sekretariu Exsekutivu Alexandre Freitas, Diretora Investigasaun Maria de Vasconselos, asesor senior CAC Leonor Furtadu no asesor nasional Jonas Guterres.  (*)

CAC: Proposed OIC Law Is Not Necessary

Dili – Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar Corte Real on Wednesday (7/5), at the invitation of Commission B of the National Parliament, led a delegation to attend a public audience. CAC questions the necessity of the proposed law No. 11/III (2a) on the Organization of Criminal Investigation (OIC).

Commission B is currently holding discussions on this proposal with other relevant state agencies, where the proposed law will be implemented once National Parliament approval has been given.

The OIC law proposal will bring an added layer of regulation and confusion to anti-corruption efforts, leading to institutional duplication. It will weaken the competence of other institutions in Timor-Leste that are currently operating.

“On principle, CAC suggests there needs to be deeper discussion about this proposed law based on the necessities of the State,” said the Deputy Commissioner.

CAC recommends that Timorese leaders consider actions that would build the capacity of human resources. As a small country that just gained its independence, creating too many overlapping institutions can potentially lead to adverse financial resources.

The President of Commission B, MP David “Mandati” Dias Ximenes expressed his gratitude and appreciation to CAC delegation for constructively adding to the discussion. In exchange, we appreciate his initiative of inviting CAC to meet and put forward its perspective.

The CAC delegation comprised Deputy Commissioner Bucar, Executive Secretary Alexandre Freitas, Director of Investigations Maria de Vasconseos, CAC Senior Adviser Leonor Furtado and National Adviser Jonas Guterres. (*)